General Rules
No children age seven and under will be allowed to enter the facility without approved supervision. If the child is with a babysitter, it will require a signed and dated parental consent form.
All persons entering the facility will be required to pay the appropriate fees.
People under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be admitted.
In case of a rash, skin disease, or open sores, the individual should be asked to explain their condition. If contagious, the individual may not be permitted to enter the water or the slides.
Coolers, jugs, or unapproved food or drinks may not be brought into the facility.
Glass containers of any kind are not permitted in the facility.
All food and drink must be kept away from the pool’s edge.
No gum or candy will be allowed in the pool.
Proper swimsuit attire must be worn at all times. Cutoffs, thongs, t-shirts or other swimsuits determined inappropriate by management will not be permitted.
Personal attire that contains vulgar or negative graphics will not be permitted.
Tattoos of a vulgar or offensive nature will not be permitted. Guests may be asked to cover them up.
Paper or cloth diapers are prohibited in the pool or slide areas. Swim diapers are available for purchase at the front desk. Diapers must be changed at the diaper changing stations in the locker rooms or restrooms.
Smoking or use of tobacco products is not permitted.
Guests should not loiter or play near land or water entries. This includes entrance gates, handicap access entrance to the water, all ladders, stairs and rails.
Flotation devices and water toys (i.e., balls, life-belts, inner tubes, rafts, etc.) are subject to the approval of pool staff. Flotation devices and water toys will not be allowed in the deep end of the pool.
Children using flotation devices must be within an arm’s reach of an adult or approved supervision.
Tossing of kids into the air shall not be allowed if the adult is inattentive or if the facility is too busy for such an act to occur safely.
The Wetlands at Great Bend, City of Great Bend, or water park staff is not responsible for loss of personal belongings.
If a guest leaves the facility for any reason, they must pay the appropriate fees to re-enter.
There should be no running at any time.
Dunking or rough play is not allowed.
Abusive or profane language is prohibited.
Towel snapping or towel fighting is not allowed.
Diving is allowed only in water that is 5 feet deep or greater.
No back dives, flips, preachers seats or can openers allowed off the side of the pool.
Playing on lifeguard towers is prohibited.
When playing on floatables, remain seated at all times. No standing allowed.
No jumping or diving off of floatables.
Pushing or pulling others off of floatables is not permitted.
Weak swimmers will be required to take a test before being allowed in the deep water.
Swimming will only be allowed when a lifeguard is on duty.
No animals in the pool or on the pool deck.
Management reserves the right to review, change, and establish rules as deemed necessary.
Slide Rules
Follow lifeguard's instructions.
All riders must meet minimum height requirements as designated. (40 inches tall on water feature)
Riders must not exceed the maximum weight restrictions as designated.
Riders may not pull or propel themselves into the ride.
No combs or foreign objects are allowed in pockets while riding the slides.
Only approved swim suits will be allowed. No cut-off jeans.
Swimwear with zippers, buckles, rivets, or any other metal ornamentation will not be allowed on the slides.
Riders must wait for instructions from the guard stationed at the slide.
All riders must ride feet first while lying on their back with arms crossed across their chest.
Only one rider at a time. No chains of riders are permitted.
No tubes or mats are permitted on the slides.
Parents may not catch children at the bottom of the slide, with the exception being the white and blue slide in the pool.
The line should form on the deck with one rider on each landing and one rider in the starter lane. Wait until landing area has cleared before entering.
No running, standing, kneeling, rotating, tumbling, or stopping in the flume. Arms and hands must remain inside the flume.
No diving from the slides.
Riders should be in good health before riding this ride.
Locker Rules
Guests may bring their own locks to put on lockers.
Locks must be removed at the end of each day.
Any locks left on the lockers will be cut off at the end of each day.
Guests are not permitted to loiter or play near the locker area.